
凱撒必須死 Cesare deve morire

Cesare deve morire (2012) 76 min - Drama - 22 June 2012 (Taiwan) IMDb Ratings: 7.3/10 from 1,103 users Directors: Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani 《凱撒必須死》 Cesare deve morire 《凱撒大帝》(Julius Caesar)莎士比亞的其中一齣悲劇。故事描述一眾羅馬元老計劃並成功刺殺獨裁官凱撒的經過。「Cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war.」,第三幕,第一場:這是馬克˙安東尼發現凱撒被謀殺後的其中一句說話。此處的「dogs」並不是指狗,而是工具。

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變羊記 The Ghost Tales

        先談電影的引用;電影是一種創作,但經書引用的正確性就待讀者自己解釋。 印象最深刻的莫過當年的《無間道》系列。 《無間道》Infernal Affairs

處女之泉 The Virgin Spring

Jungfrukällan (1960) 89 min - Crime | Drama - 14 November 1960 (USA) IMDb Ratings: 8.1/10 from 11,658 users, Director: Ingmar Bergman The Virgin Spring(處女之泉)很多評論都提到大哉問「神的存在?」或許我們可以修正一下,大哉問改為探究「人的性格」這件事。         

大國民 Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane 119 min - Drama | Mystery - 5 September 1941 (USA) IMDb Ratings: 8.5/10 from 185,263 users Director: Orson Welles 故事主角在影片的開頭便死去,臨終前最後的一句話「玫瑰花蕾(RoseBud)」開啟電影的序幕。 故事的主人翁報業大王查爾斯福斯特凱恩是個具爭議性的人物,「愛國者」、「民主主義者」、「和平主義者」、「戰爭販子」、「叛徒」、「理想主義者」,都是美國報紙對他的形容。片子一開始垂死的凱恩說了一個字就去世了,而這個謎樣的字「玫瑰花蕾」到底有什麼意義。記者湯姆遜奉命調查,透過他與五個死者的關係人──凱恩的監護人銀行家、報社總經理、凱恩的好友兼專欄作家、他的第二任太太、上都皇宮的管家及圖書管理員的訪談中,拼湊出凱恩在事業、感情、政治觀念和個人性格,可是他還是不了解「玫瑰花蕾」的意義。(開眼電影網站瀏覽:大國民) 記者訪問完最後一位關係人後,「玫瑰花蕾(RoseBud)」的謎題始終沒辦法調查出來,當眾人整理清理凱恩的龐大收藏品時,鏡頭帶到在火堆裡燃燒的雪橇上所浮現「玫瑰花蕾」的字樣。 此部經典電影彷彿窺探一個人的生命史,閱聽眾與影片一起試圖探尋主角生命某些重要的東西(RoseBud)。如往常看完某些東西做出評斷或產生自己的解讀方式;最後才發現影片外的每個人生命跟影片中的人一樣,無法用文字或影片去做解釋或詮釋,只是閱聽人的各種角度紀錄。

凶兆 Sinister

Sinister (2012)110 min - Horror | Mystery IMDb Ratings: 6.9/10 from 20,400 users , Director: Scott Derrickson 最近好像看了不少驚悚外帶恐怖的片子(精神衰弱) Storyline:True-crime writer Ellison Oswalt moves himself and his family in to a house where an horrific crime took place earlier, but his family doesn't know. He is trying to find out more about the crime so he can write a new book about it to help his flailing career. He uses some "snuff" (兇殺恐怖影片)film that he finds which show the crimes to help in his research, but he soon finds more than he bargained for. There is a figure in each of the films, but who or what is it? As a result his family start to suffer as does he. Things take a turn for the worst. Will they survive? Written by Michael Hallows Eve(imdb) 胸罩,為什麼會恐怖?

沉默之屋 Silent House

Silent House (2011) 86 min - Drama | Horror | Thriller - 9 March 2012 (USA) IMDb Ratings: 5.2/10 from 8,644 users  Directors: Chris Kentis, Laura Lau 美國版(Silent House) 喔,不是 烏拉圭版  ( The Silent House ) 。不管是哪種版本,這是一種特別的「睡眠恐怖片」(哈)。   Storyline:This movie is about Sarah as she and her dad go to their lakeside retreat to pack things up inside because it is being sold. While there, her uncle also helps get the place up to scratch so they can sell it. The uncle has to leave to get an electrician to check the wiring, but after he goes she starts hearing noises and seeing what she thinks are people inside the house. Soon she and her dad are attacked by someone or something and they end up in a fight for their lives. But there's something more going on here than she thinks. Written by Michael Hallows Eve (IMDb) 最特別的就是「一鏡到底」(Long Take)的恐怖片;形式上挑戰閱聽眾對恐怖片的感官接受。但從諸多評價觀察(睡……)     敘事上從「她」、「我」、「他們」之間在遊走;一鏡到底考驗的不只是敘事、運鏡,更考驗演員們的演技,以及導演的場面調度功力。(睡......)最後最後,電影刺點的脫出,也讓...